Island Fox Fact Sheet (updated 2021) download pdf
Summary of Island Fox Status Update 2020 / 2021
Island Fox Update 2016 download pdf with information island-by-island on island fox populations and conservation concerns in 2016
Island Fox Update 2014 download pdf Island-by-island information on fox populations and conservation concerns in 2014
Island Fox Update 2011 download pdf Island-by-island information on fox populations and conservation concerns in 2011.
Encourage students to know their local fox species. Identifying North American foxes.
Identifying the Foxes of North America download chart.

Access is made available by artist Zoe Keller (more about the artist).
Educational Activities
Download pdfs of activities that use the island fox and the Channel Islands ecosystem to teach science, math, ecology, history, sustainability and California EEI Principles.
Listing of All Activities (by grade, themes, skills and EEI Principles)
- The Island Fox Tale; An Ecosystem Play - species interdependence in an ecosystem
- Sniff This - scientific inquiry into the sense of smell
- Give Paws! - population dynamics
- The Nose Knows - scientific problem solving with math and geometry
- Island Bioweb - species interdependence in an ecosystem
- Funding Foxes - math and budget decision making
- When Numbers Tell a Story - graphing actual island fox population numbers, comparing and interpreting data (updated 2020)
- Genetics and the Island Fox - using actual pedigree charts for the Santa Rosa Island fox and understanding the importance of preserving genetic diversity in a small population
Teaching Trunk
The Island Fox Teaching Trunk is available for loan to teachers or groups. Priority is given to those who have scheduled a visit with Friends of the Island Fox educators (See What We Do). The trunk contains animal biofacts (replica skulls, footprints, etc.) for comparison, information on Channel Islands wildlife, a notebook of Island Fox Educational Activities and additional materials. To schedule a loan of the Teaching Trunk contact Keri Dearborn at
Island Fox Research 2008
- Island Fox Behavior
- Island Fox Health
- Island Fox and the Island Ecosystem
- Island Fox and Eagles
- Island Fox Management
For Current Island Fox Research visit our Research Page