
"Date with a Fox"- FIF's quarterly island fox virtual update
Researchers Dr. Alexandra DeCandia and Juliann Schamel update their findings on island fox and island spotted skunk microbiome and dietary changes in island foxes documented in stable isotopes in whisker samples. How might island fox populations impact island spotted skunks on Santa Cruz and Santa Rosa Islands? 
Tim Coonan, Retired Senior Biologist for Channel Islands National Park talks about the decline and recovery of island foxes. How did endangered status come about and how did it impact the recovery process? Coonan gives his inside account of island fox recovery, captive breeding, and the effort taken to save this unique island species.
Research Jasmine Lu discusses the connections between specific networks of bacteria and cancer in Catalina Island foxes. Your donations helped fund this research. Wildlife biologist Lara Brenner looks at the relationship between island foxes and island spotted skunks. Is a warming climate changing this relationship? Your donations helped support these investigations.
Island Fox Health Checks on Catalina Island and GPS Study of Island Fox Territory Begins - August 20, 2022: (video link) Emily Hamblin wildlife biologist on Catalina Island details how island foxes receive health checks. FIF 2021 Research Grant recipient Katie Elder explains her investigation of island fox territory size on Santa Rosa Island.
Brian Cypher, Ph.D. Director and Research Ecologist CSU Stanislaus' Endangered Species Recovery Program shows how GPS data is helping kit foxes and could benefit island foxes. Pat Meyer, FIF founder, shares experiences with specific island foxes that helped galvanize the organization.  
Biologist Holly Gamblin updates the status of the San Clemente Island fox and research biologist Ellie Bolas speaks about interactions between island spotted skunks and island foxes.
Dr. Alexandra DeCandia provides an update on her island fox microbiome research, supported by your donations, and island biologist Lara Brenner outlines a new effort to protect island foxes from introduced species on Santa Cruz Island.
Other Virtual programs with Friends of the Island Fox
Webinar with Wolf Park: FIF President Mike Watling and Education Director Keri Dearborn speak on the island fox decline and recovery, FIF supported research, and Dr. Alexandra DeCandia updates her microbiome research on island foxes and island spotted skunks.

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Beach Surf Close Up Santa Cruz Island

Welcome to Friends of the Island Fox's Video

Final Island Fox Release Santa Rosa Island November 7, 2008 
As Pat Meyer, Friends of the Island Fox board members and 
members of the press looked on, National Park Service biologist Tim Coonan 
opened the door to freedom for M67.  

2006 Island Fox Release FIF San Miguel Island
Watch four Channel Island foxes released back into the wild on
San Miguel Island in 2006!

Cute Island Fox Barking
Watch a cute Channel Island fox on Catalina Island barking to protect territory. 

Island Fox M152 Released with New FIF Radio Collar
Island fox receives a health check and new radio-tracking collar and is released on Santa Rosa Island.

Island Foxes Delisted 8/11/16
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Announces delisting of island foxes from the Northern Islands from Endangered species status
Updated 03/13/2023