Each of California’s Channel Islands are unique and, like the Galapagos Islands, a treasure of biodiversity.
The northern islands:
San Miguel Island is a sandy, wind-swept plateau with rocky beaches. There are no large trees or shrubs. It is only 8 miles long by 4 miles wide, yet it is the most important sea bird nesting site in Southern California. It also is home to one of the largest pinniped breeding colonies in the world, over 126,000 animals, including: the northern elephant seal, harbor seal, Steller’s sea lion, occasional sea otters and the endangered northern fur seal and Guadalupe fur seal. Approximately 90% of the California sea lion population breeds on San Miguel and San Nicolas Islands.
Foxes share the rugged terrain with creatures unique to the Channel Islands – the silk-spinning sand cricket, Channel Islands slender salamander, island western fence lizard, several island subspecies of birds, the endangered snowy plover and the bald eagle (reintroduced 2001). This island is part of Channel Islands National Park.
- Island Journal - A Day Visit to San Miguel Island
- A Day Counting Island Foxes on San Miguel Island
- Video of Island Fox Releases on San Miguel Island (2007)
- Podcast on San Miguel Island Fox Releases
Santa Rosa Island is, for the most part, dry rolling hills of coastal scrub and grassland. The other half is wooded canyons, coastal cliffs, wetlands, and sandy beaches. The island is 10 miles long by 15 miles wide. It is home to one of the rarest pine trees in the world - the Santa Rosa Island Torrey pine. Important fossil discoveries have been made on this island, including 13,000-year-old human remains, pygmy mammoths, and ancient sea cows from when the land was underwater and much further south.
Foxes share the grasslands with pygmy grasshoppers, island cicadas and the island gopher snake. They also share habitat with the island spotted skunk and over 195 species of birds, including: the endangered snowy plover and bald eagle (reintroduced 2002). Six species of plants are also listed as endangered on this island. This island is part of Channel Islands National Park.
- Meet Island Fox F257
- Last Captive Island Fox released on Santa Rosa Island
- Video Santa Rosa Island
- Experiencing Santa Rosa Island
- Caring for Island Foxes on Santa Rosa Island
- Researching Island Fox Territory on Santa Rosa Island
- A Day Counting Island Foxes on Santa Rosa Island
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canyon above Scorpion landing |
The island fox preys on the Santa Cruz island deer mouse and the endangered Santa Cruz Island harvest mouse. It shares its varied terrain with other unique species – the island scrub jay, the island spotted skunk, flightless katydid, Santa Cruz Island woodland skipper butterfly, the Santa Cruz Island cicada, and 10 species of plants found no where else in the world, including the Santa Cruz Island pine and the endangered Santa Cruz Island silver lotus. This island is part of Channel Islands National Park.
- Visiting Island Foxes on Santa Cruz Island
- An Island Fox Meets A Bald Eagle on Santa Cruz
- Experiencing Santa Cruz Island 2006
- Experiencing Santa Cruz Island 2009
- Santa Cruz Island Fox Releases 2007
- Experiencing Santa Cruz Island, Prisoner's Harbor 2012
- A Day on Santa Cruz Island, Prisoner's Harbor 2013
- Students Helping Island Fox on Santa Cruz Island
- Visiting Santa Cruz Island, Scorpion Landing 2014
- FIF Trips to Santa Cruz Island
- FIF 2015 Trip to Santa Cruz Island
- FIF Habitat Restoration Projects 2016 Part 1 and Part 2
Santa Catalina Island is the most populated of the Channel Islands and has a thriving recreation and resort area. Twenty-one miles long by 8 miles wide, the terrain includes mountains, steep canyons, woodlands, grassy hills, and rocky beaches. Bald eagles were reintroduced here in 1995. DDT remains in the marine environment, but in the past few years bald eagles have reproduced successfully without human intervention.
This is the only Channel Island where foxes live with the Southern Pacific rattlesnake and the two-striped garter snake. Foxes also share habitat with the Santa Catalina subspecies of deer mouse, harvest mouse, ground squirrel, California quail, Bewick’s wren, and 10 butterflies, including the Avalon hairstreak. Here, foxes live among numerous rare plants including the Santa Catalina Island ironwood and the endangered Catalina Island mountain mahogany. Marine mammals frequent, but typically do not breed on this island because beaches are used by people. The island is home to an arboreal salamander and 4 species of bats. The Catalina Island Conservancy manages wild areas of Catalina Island.
- Distemper Outbreak on Mainland 2021
- Catalina Island fox barking
- Counting Island Foxes 2007
- Disease and the Catalina Island Fox
- Human Impact on Catalina Island Fox
- 2007 Fire on Catalina Island and impact on island foxes
- Raccoons Bring Disease to Santa Catalina Island
- Microchips tell the stories of individual island foxes
- New Threat to Santa Catalina Island Fox (2015)
- FIF Helps Santa Catalina Island Fox (2015)
- FIF Funds Fox Saver Bins
San Clemente Island is a dry grassy plateau (21 miles long by 3 miles wide) rising from the sea to steep cliffs at the far end. The U.S. Navy uses the island for training operations. This island has the largest number of plants found only on one Channel Island, including 8 endangered species and 138 species of lichen. The native plant life has been recovering since the removal of invasive domestic animal species.
In 2012, drought conditions caused several pups to be abandoned on this island. These rescued San Clemente Island fox pups were relocated to mainland zoos. In 2021 these island foxes can be found at the Santa Barbara Zoo, The Living Desert Museum in Palm Springs, and CALM in Bakersfield. Island foxes on San Clemente also share the island with the endangered island night lizard, numerous birds and four species of bats. The U.S. Navy manages this island.
San Nicolas Island is a grassy plateau with sandstone rock formations and broad beaches (9.7 miles long by 3 miles wide). Because it was overgrazed by sheep and other introduced domestic animals, no native trees remain. Today, the island is occupied by the U.S. Navy and is an important breeding site for marine mammals. Attempts to reintroduce sea otters began in 1987 and there is some sign of a current population. 90% of the California sea lion population breeds on San Nicolas or San Miguel. This island is also an important sea bird nesting site, including endangered snowy plover.
Foxes share this windswept terrain with the San Nicolas Island deer mouse, endangered island night lizard and a variety of island subspecies of birds, including Bewick’s wren, house finch, orange-crowned warbler, and horned lark. The U.S. Navy manages this island.
- Experiencing San Nicolas Island 2008
- Cars Impact Island Foxes on San Nicolas Island
- Drought Impact on San Nicolas Island Fox
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western gulls nesting on Santa Barbara island |
Santa Barbara Island is the smallest of the Channel Islands at only 1 mile long by 1 mile wide. Its steep, rugged volcanic cliffs rise to a grassy plateau with no trees. There is only one native land mammal, the Santa Barbara Island deer mouse, but there are 30 species of sunflower. This tiny island is an important sea bird nesting site and home to the largest breeding colony of Xantus’ murrelets in the world. In 2017, brown booby seabirds were recorded nesting here for the first time–local evidence of climate change.