Saturday, April 02, 2022

Island Foxes, the U.S. Navy, and Island Spotted Skunks

"Date with a Fox" February 2022

Island foxes on San Clemente Island live with an active U.S. Navy Base, while island foxes on Santa Cruz Island live with island spotted skunks.

FIF's February virtual program "Date with a Fox" featured:

Holly Gamblin
a biologist with the Institute for Wildlife Studies  on San Clemente Island. Gamblin provided a rare inside-look at the island foxes on the U.S. Navy island. Few civilians have access to San Clemente Island.


Research biologist Ellie Bolas shared her masters' thesis studies on the interactions between island foxes and island spotted skunks. Island spotted skunks live only on Santa Cruz and Santa Rosa Islands. Very little is known about the ecology and behavior of island spotted skunks. How do these two small predators co-exist on the islands?

If you missed the program you can watch the video here:

To participate in FIF's "Date with a Fox" in May - join our donor list or subscribe to our e-newsletter.

See past "Date with a Fox" programs