March through May is a busy time for island foxes, biologists, and Friends of the Island Fox.
Spring brings fox pups that need to be fed by their parents and counted by biologists in the field. It also is the time for Earth Day events.
For the second year, Friends of the Island Fox participated in the Rio Vista Elementary School Environmental Awareness and Career Day. FIF educators introduced fourth grade students to the island fox, a local endangered species. Students participated in a hands-on activity replicating an island fox health check. They became field biologists weighing, evaluating and recording health data. (More on island fox health checks)
Education can be exciting and fun. Check out Rio Vista Elementary's exciting event on Santa Clarita Valley TV
The first step in saving an endangered species is educating the local community. Education can come in a variety of approaches, activities and interactions. Friends of the Island Fox is devoted to educating the public, young and old, in creative and relevant ways. The more you know about the island fox, the better neighbor you can be to this endangered species.
To contact Friends of the Island Fox about classroom or community programs:
(805) 386-0386
admin@islandfox.org or islandfoxnews@gmail.com