Friends of the Island Fox announces the launch of our
Educational Resources Library
Educational Resources Library
Our goal is to bring the expertise of researchers, land managers and biologists in the field, to the general public. We want you to have access to the most current information available about the island fox and the Channel Island ecosystem.
By clicking on the "Library" button in the navigation bar at the top of the page, you will go directly to our library of resources both written and visual.
Our new list of publications includes:
- an Island Fox Fact Sheet (written by Catherine Schwemm PhD, co-author of an upcoming book on the island fox)
- Island Fox Update 2008 (the most current information island-by-island)
- Summaries of recent research findings on island fox behavior, relationships with eagles, island fox health, management, and the island fox and the Channel Island ecosystem
- The San Miguel Island fox is making the most successful recovery recorded in a canine species
- Eagles leave evidence in their nests that proves what they are eating
- The Santa Catalina Island fox is facing serious health threats
Friends of the Island Fox is devoted to providing educational resources about the island fox and the Channel Islands ecosystem to the public. Your donations help support this effort and island fox conservation.
To donate click on the Pay Pal button in the upper right panel.