Friday, May 31, 2024

Island Fox Status Update 2024

In 2023, island fox populations remained healthy and stable across all six islands. Weather extremes, however, effected islands in different ways.

Island fox on San Clemente Island courtesy of J. Sanchez

The following is an update across the Channel Islands from notes compiled by Friends of the Island Fox at the Island Fox Conservation Working Group Meeting May 8, 2024 hosted at the Santa Barbara Zoo (hybrid meeting).

Reported population numbers are the official estimates submitted by the land managers and calculated by them from island foxes captured for health checks July–December 2023. (How island foxes are captured and given health checks)

Overview: Rainfall was abundant in 2023, but the impact on plant and prey species varied by island. Island fox populations on smaller islands grew, while island fox numbers on larger islands adjusted downward slightly. The anomaly was Santa Cruz Island, which appears to have experienced a significant population increase, creating a historic record for a single island population.

Range Size and Diet Research: Ongoing research by FIF Research Grant recipient Katie Elder revealed that fox home ranges on Santa Rosa Island have declined in size by 83% since 2009. It's not surprising that home range territories have gotten smaller as the fox population has recovered from less than 400 individuals to over 2,500. The surprise is how strictly the 15 male foxes monitored for a year with GPS collars stayed confined within their small territories. This means that individuals in poor habitats have less access to varied resources; inland foxes aren't accessing beach foods and individuals with grassland home ranges may have less access to fruiting plants. How will individual survival be challenged if drought conditions return?

Density: On the northern islands, island fox density has become high: 11.35–14 island foxes per square kilometer. What is island fox density? While it's great to see increased populations of island foxes, high density means individual fox territories are close together. Disease can be transmitted more easily through a dense population. As the Range Size research reveals, high population density may also mean island foxes have less flexibility to survive fluctuations in their available resources.  

Climate Impacts: For the first time, islands documented increased rainfall that did not coincide with island fox population growth. The timing of storms or extreme high levels of rain may have negatively impacted deer mouse or insect populations resulting in fewer resources for island foxes.    

In 2024, the leading threats to island foxes are:

  • biosecurity: the threat of introduced viruses, accidental transportation of a deadly parasitic worm from San Miguel Island to other islands, disease, and/or non-native animals
  • reduced funding for monitoring
  • climate change: extreme weather effects food resources, heightens parasites, challenges health, and can make it more difficult for biologists to access the islands

Greatest Concern: Biosecurity threats are heightened by the high density of island foxes on northern islands and rising tourism on Catalina Island. Canine distemper and other dog diseases remain threats. A new investigation has identified the parasitic spiny-headed worm on San Miguel Island that has caused fox fatalities in the past, especially in drought years. The investigation to find the prey species that acts as an intermediary host continues. New findings reveal that this lethal intestinal parasite was most likely transported to the island by humans. It is vitally important that this parasite not be moved to other islands.

Be a BioSecurity Guardian–Clean, Check, and Close everything you take to the islands. Watch Biosecurity Video.

Smaller Islands

San Miguel and San Nicolas Islands appear to have equally benefited from additional moisture and available resources. Their populations grew at the same rate in 2023. San Clemente Island remained stable at its lower population size.

San Miguel Island (lime green line): While adult annual survival declined, healthy pups stabilized and increased the population. This island currently has the greatest island fox density: 14 foxes per square kilometer.

San Nicolas Island (pink line): General health remains good, but lifespan appears to be 7–8 years, rather than the 10–12 years on larger islands. Density remains moderate at 8.4 foxes per sq km. Dog flu has declined, but remains prevalent. Car strike causes the greatest island fox mortality and more days of foggy weather increased fox fatalities.

San Clemente Island (blue line): Adult island foxes on this island had a high 89% chance of surviving the year, but pup survival continues to be investigated. This island currently has the lowest fox density: 4.06 foxes per sq km. Approximately 5% of the population is lost annually to car strike and inexperienced young island foxes are more likely to be hit.


Larger Islands

The larger islands were all thought to have reached carrying capacity. Santa Catalina and Santa Rosa Islands adjusted downward at nearly the same small rate in this extremely wet year. Because their populations are so large, this adjustment is not unexpected. Santa Cruz Island, however, increased at the same high rate as the small islands, creating a historic population estimate.

Santa Catalina Island (red line): The population remained stable with a density of 9.22 foxes per sq km. Analysis of tick samples collected from island foxes from 2019–2022 showed no tick-borne disease. This is important because 60% of Catalina Island foxes carry ticks. Both dog flu and corona virus declined in 2023, but biosecurity remains a huge concern on this island. From car strike and dog attack to foxes being drown in scuba wash tanks and entrapped in human structures, humans and pets currently pose the greatest threat to island foxes. In 2023, over 62% of known fox fatalities were human caused.

Santa Rosa Island (pink line with black centers): This population remains stable with a high density of 11.35 foxes per sq km and adults had an 89.5% chance of surviving the year. Research is showing that Rosa foxes are becoming dietary specialists. How will this impact individual foxes and the island ecosystem?

Santa Cruz Island (black line): With an adult annual survival rate of 94.7%, this island was estimated to have a historic population size of 4,057. The fox density is currently 12.9 foxes per sq km. Due to a record 35 inches of rain, foxes could not be counted in some of the traditional grid locations. There is a possibility that the high population calculation may be slightly inflated by data fluctuations.

Weather has a profound effect on island resources. Changing weather patterns–tropical summer storms, extreme winter rainfall, increased summer heat, denser fog–all impact island habitats and island foxes. 

Your donations help monitor island fox survival with radio collars and provide vaccinations to protect them from introduced disease. Research is investigating health, behavior, and how best to support stable island fox populations in a changing world.

Healthy island fox populations depend on people like you supporting conservation efforts. 


Thursday, May 16, 2024

What is Island Fox Density?


Density is a term used in biology to express the number of individual living things in a given area. Biologists use a defined area size–ie. a square meter, square kilometer or square hectare–to quantify density. 

A square kilometer is equivalent to the footprint of Disneyland in southern California and a square hectare is equivalent to a professional baseball field.

Understanding how many island foxes are living in a square kilometer is part of the calculation for estimating the size of an island-wide population.

At the recent Island Fox Conservation Working Group Meeting, land managers reported on the island fox density for their islands. There was a noticeable difference between northern and southern islands.

Northern islands are reporting considerably higher island fox density. The causes for this are not completely clear. Northern islands may benefit from less extreme weather–higher average rainfall and more moderate summer temperatures–which support diverse prey and plant food for island foxes. Northern islands also have fewer impacts from humans; Catalina Island and the two Navy islands, San Clemente and San Miguel, have roads and cars that cause the highest percentage of fatalities for island foxes. 

High density, however, can have a downside. Catalina Island has been stable for the past 10 years with a density around 9 foxes per sq km. The island with the highest density in 2023–14 foxes per sq km–was also the smallest, San Miguel Island. When density increases, individual island fox territory decreases. A smaller territory means a smaller area to find food. High density can push some individuals into habitats with fewer quality resources. San Miguel's resources are less diverse than the larger islands and there are fewer options for foxes when drought or other weather extremes occur.


When island foxes are living closer to each other, the possibility of disease moving rapidly through a population also becomes heightened. Parasites can spread more easily.

Understanding population density is important for calculating risks to populations and making informed conservation decisions. 

Friday, May 10, 2024

Date With A Fox - Island Fox Research with Juliann Schamel and Dr. Alexandria DeCandia

Friends of the Island Fox's Virtual Program on current island fox research.

"Date With A Fox"

with guests Juliann Schamel and Dr. Alexandra DeCandia

from Tuesday, April 30th

The April program highlighted current findings on island fox diet and microbiome. Microbiome investigations can help us understand how island foxes and island spotted skunks are using resources in the island ecosystem. Dietary investigations analyzing stable isotopes in whisker samples are revealing changes in island fox diet as their population size recovers and potential resource competition with island spotted skunks. 

Both research presenters are past recipients of Friends of the Island Fox Research Grants.




Dr. Alexandra DeCandia is an Assistant Teaching Professor in the Biology Dept. at Georgetown University and works with the Center for Conservation Genomics at the Smithsonian's National Zoo and Conservation Biology Institute. Her work has been published in Molecular Ecology and she is currently working on a joint project with Juliann Schamel supported by Friends of the Island Fox.


Juliann Schamel is a Biological Science Technician working with island foxes at Channel Islands National Park and a graduate student in ecology and conservation at the University of Aberdeen, Scotland. Her work has been published in PLOS ONE and she presented a poster on island fox and island spotted skunk dietary overlap at the California Island Symposium. 

Informed conservation decisions for island foxes and island spotted skunks depend on scientific knowledge.

Friends of the Island Fox is currently 

accepting applications for our 2024 FIF Research Grant.

Subscribe to the FIF bi-monthly e-newsletter for invitations to upcoming "Date with a Fox" presentations.