Join Friends of the Island Fox for an insightful look into island fox health with veterinary pathologist, Leslie Woods, Ph.D.
"Date with a Fox" Zoom Program
Mortalities in the Channel Island Fox
(Urocyon littoralis)
The important role of postmortem examinations
Tuesday, March 18 at 6:30 pm PT
Leslie Woods, Professor Emerita of the California Animal Health and Food Safety Laboratory at the School of Veterinary Medicine at U.C. Davis has been investing island fox health since 2010.
Though retired, she continues to teach and performs all of the necropsies on island foxes.
What are the current health threats to island foxes? Why is it important to evaluate cause of death for wild animals? Professor Woods is a wonderful teacher and a true detective.
Professor Wood's work provides factual scientific evidence so land managers can make informed decisions to help keep island fox populations healthy and safe.